What links exist between rugby, art, and literature?
To answer this, I recommend the Special Edition n°58 of Sport & Vie magazine, which I have the great honor to cover. This publication highlights the meeting of these 3 universes. The timing is perfect in this year 2023, celebrating 2 crucial events for rugby, in order to embark on this vast subject. Indeed, 200 years ago, the visionary William Webb Ellis grabbed, as legend goes, this ball in his hand to deposit it on the other side of the line. Little did he know, during this casual gesture, that a few years later, this sport would have influenced so many enthusiasts on the planet and allowed so many people to meet. And then, how not to mention the 10th World Cup which will bring together the elite of world rugby in a sensational celebration where friendship, courage, dedication and spectacle will further elevate rugby.
But back to the magazine, this special issue explores the close connection between rugby, art and literature. It highlights many artists, writers and journalists, such as Antoine Bondin, Hemingway, Lothe, Marc Orlan and Jean-Pierre Rives, who have helped to celebrate and immortalize the greatness of this sport through their creations or writings. We talk about philosophy, cryptography, pedagogy, inclusion, diplomacy, friendship, literature, painting, sewing, sculpture with good or bad faith, with seriousness or second degree. In short, all the ingredients for the beautiful stories that poets and rugby theorists or the pillars of scrum and counter can tell each other for a long time. That’s rugby, a hard, thankless sport, a real team sport sealing unbreakable friendships and memories by the hundreds. Rugby is multiple and elusive and while some tell the truths, others like me paint or write it before anyone has the brilliant idea of grouping all these universes in a magazine.
Sport and Life magazine
Bimonthly publication for the magazine, 198 issues in June 2023
Biannual publication for special editions, i.e. 58 issues on the same date
In 1990, Gilles Goetghebuer and Denis Riché gave birth to a unique magazine: Sport et Vie. Since then, this publication has distinguished itself by offering a singular look at sport and its environment focused on physiology, sociology and the true scientific dimension of the sports world.
Sport et Vie addresses a multitude of topics that captivate the attention of all athletes, whether amateur or professional, coaches and other physiotherapists or sports doctors. From nutrition to training, from performance to health, from anti-doping training, from injury treatment to recovery, from bodybuilding to many other themes, the magazine explores the different aspects that influence the practice of sport.
Sport et Vie is distinguished by its rigorous and scientific approach. The articles are based on extensive research, in-depth studies and testimony from recognized experts. Readers will find reliable information and relevant advice to improve their performance, prevent injuries and optimize their sports practice. It also offers a unique insight into the current challenges of the sports world, while remaining accessible to a wide audience.
For more than three decades, Sport et Vie has established itself as an essential publication, combining scientific expertise and passion for sport. Its commitment to editorial quality and its ability to cover a variety of topics make it an indispensable companion for all enthusiasts looking to enrich their knowledge and progress in their sport.
I would like to warmly thank the editors of Sport et Vie magazine, and in particular Olivier Beaufays and Gilles Goetghebuer, the co-creator and inexhaustible editor-in-chief of the magazine for trusting me and choosing me to make the cover of this special issue on rugby. This sport so dear to my heart has always been an unalterable source of inspiration for me. It is a real honour for me as an artist to contribute to this exceptional tribute to rugby in this very special year. And for the record, it’s been 20 years now that I paint rugby, a beautiful symbol.
The extension of the magazine
To formalize this link, the museum of Seine-et-Marne will host from September an exceptional exhibition 100% rugby, mixing the different forms of art gathered around the writings of Pierre Mac Orlan, a writer of the nineteenth century but I can already inform you that one of my works will be presented !
Rugby is not a game, it is a force that offers itself as a gift, it is too powerful not to be shared