the book Le ski de fond … en comble by Robin Duvillard

On the occasion of the release of Robin Duvillard’s first book, “Le ski de fond … en comble,” published by Les Passionnés de Bouquins, I’m delighted to introduce this colorful narrative for which I had the honor of illustrating the cover. Never one to hold back on anecdotes, Robin candidly shares insights into his sport,…

Dianne de Navacelle de Coubertin, Eva Serrano, athlète olympique et Lucie LLONG et Guillaume Renoud devant le musée de l'olympisme de lausanne

Visit of the Olympic museum in Lausanne with Diane de Navacelle de Coubertin

The Olympic Games from Antiquity to Today The history of the Olympic Games from antiquity is long and tumultuous. It begins in 776 BC and continues for over 1000 years. For the majority of this period, the games were held in Olympia, in Greece, a city that is now a popular tourist destination. The Ancient…