the book Le ski de fond … en comble by Robin Duvillard

On the occasion of the release of Robin Duvillard’s first book, “Le ski de fond … en comble,” published by Les Passionnés de Bouquins, I’m delighted to introduce this colorful narrative for which I had the honor of illustrating the cover. Never one to hold back on anecdotes, Robin candidly shares insights into his sport,…

Art table sport Olympics: Painting on canvas of 5 sports of the Winter Olympics such as ski jumping, biathlon, rock hockey, figure skating and alpine skiing, a colorful tribute to Baron Pierre de Coubertin

Winter Olympics painting – The genesis

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Olympism spirit Revisited in the 20th century by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the modern Olympic Games differ from other sporting events in their universality and this desire to break racial and/or political issues. 14 days of competition, human and deeply universal values are conveyed by sport, values such as respect, team spirit, self-sacrifice…